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The route Wroclaw (Poland) – Nusi-Be (Madagascar) of Neos Airlines is opened.
Tickets cost from $700 roundtrip.
Currency exchange rate PLN to MGA
Updated 15.09.2024
Poland: country’s borders status
Borders are open. Currently there are no imposed COVID-related restrictions.
National holidays in Poland in 2024
Public holidays and festivals in Poland in 2024. Non-working days:
- January 1, Monday: New Year (Nowy Rok);
- January 6, Saturday: Epiphany (Olśnienie);
- March 31, Sunday: Easter (Wielkanoc);
- April 1, Monday: Easter (Poniedziałek Wielkanocny);
- May 1, Wednesday: Labor Day (Święto Pracy);
- May 3, Friday: Constitution May 3 (Konstytucja 3 maja);
- May 19, Sunday: Day of the Holy Trinity (Zielone Świątki);
- May 30, Thursday: Corpus Christi (Boże Ciało);
- August 15, Thursday: Ascension of the Virgin Mary (Wniebowzięcie Najświętszej Maryi Panny);
- November 1, Friday: All Saints’ Day (Wszystkich Świętych);
- November 11, Monday: Independence Day (Dzień Niepodległości);
- December 25, Wednesday: The first day of the Nativity of Christ (Pierwszy dzień Świąt Bożego Narodzenia);
- December 26, Thursday: The second day of the Nativity of Christ (Drugi dzień Świąt Bożego Narodzenia).
Madagascar: country’s borders status
Borders are open. Currently there are no imposed COVID-related restrictions.
National holidays in Madagascar in 20243
Public holidays and festivals in Madagascar in 2024. Non-working days:
- January 1, Monday: New Year (Le jour de l’An);
- March 8, Friday: Women’s Day (Journée de la femme);
- March 29, Friday: Martyrs’ Day (Journée des martyrs);
- March 31, Sunday: Easter Sunday (Dimanche de pâques);
- April 1, Monday: Easter Monday (Le lundi de Pâques);
- April 10, Wednesday: Eid al Fitr (Id al Fitr);
- May 1, Wednesday: Labor Day (Fête du Travail);
- May 9, Thursday: Ascension Day (Jour de l’Ascension);
- May 19, Sunday: Trinity Sunday (Dimanche de Pentecôte);
- May 20, Monday: Day of Spirits (lundi de Pentecôte);
- June 16, Sunday: Eid al Adha (Id al Adha);
- June 26, Wednesday: Independence Day (Jour de l’indépendance);
- August 15, Thursday: Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Jour de l’Assomption);
- November 1, Friday: All Saints’ Day (Toussaint);
- December 11, Wednesday: Republic Day (Jour de la République);
- December 25, Wednesday: Christmas (le jour de Noël).
News - Poland
The International Comics and Games Festival will be held in Lodz (Poland) on 14-15 September.
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Wizz Air launches flights from Bucharest (Romania) to Krakow (Poland) in October.
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LOT Polish Airlines will resume flights between Warsaw (Poland) and Salvador de Bahia (Brazil) from October.
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The Warsaw (Poland) – Lyon (France) route of LOT Polish Airlines has been opened.
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News - Madagascar
The route Wroclaw (Poland) – Nusi-Be (Madagascar) of Neos Airlines is opened.
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The route Dubai – Antananarivo (Madagascar) with a stopover in Mahe (Seychelles) by Emirates airline is opened.
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Air France will increase the number of flights from Paris to Antananarivo (Madagascar) to 7 per week in April.
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