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The route Baku – Dushanbe of Buta Airways was opened.
Flights are three times a week, flight time – 2 hours 20 minutes. Tickets cost from $ 950 roundtrip.
Currency exchange rate AZN to TJS
Updated 14.09.2024
Country’s borders status
WHO declares monkeypox outbreak a public health emergency of international concern. Monitoring the situation! 08/15/2024
National holidays in Azerbaijan in 2024
Public holidays and festivals in Azerbaijan in 2024. Non-working days:
- January 1, Monday: New Year (Yeni il);
- January 20, Saturday: Memorial Day of the Victims of the Totalitar Regime (Totalitar Regim Qurbanların Anım Günü);
- March 8, Friday: International Women’s Day (Beynəlxalq Women’s Day);
- March 20, Wednesday: Nowruz Bayram (Nowruz holiday);
- April 10, Wednesday: Ramazan Bayram (Ramazan Bayramı);
- May 9, Thursday: Victory Day over Fascism (Victory Day over Fascism);
- May 28, Tuesday: Republic Day (Respublika Günü);
- June 15, Saturday: National Salvation Day (Milli Qurtuluş Günü);
- June 26, Wednesday: National Army Day (Milli Ordu Günü);
- June 16, Sunday: Eid al-Adha (Qurban bayramı);
- October 18, Friday: Independence Day (Müstaqillik Günü);
- November 9, Saturday: State Flag Day (Dövlət Bayrağı Günü);
- November 12, Tuesday: Constitution Day (Konstitusiya günü);
- November 17, Sunday: National Revival Day (Milli Dirçəliş Günü);
- December 31, Tuesday: Azerbaijani Solidarity Day (Azərbaycanlıların Həmrəyliyi Günü).
Bridge holidays in Azerbaijan in 2024: the days off are January 2, March 21, 22, 23, 24, April 11, June 17, 18.
Tajikistan: country’s borders status
Borders are open. Currently there are no imposed COVID-related restrictions.
National holidays in Tajikistan in 2024
Public holidays and festivals in Tajikistan in 2024. Non-working days:
- December 31, Sunday: New Year (Соли Нав);
- January 1, Monday: New Year (Соли Нав);
- February 23, Friday: Tajik’s Armed Forces Day (Рӯзи мусаллаҳи Тоҷикистон);
- March 8, Friday: International Women’s Day (Рӯзи байналмилалии занон);
- March 21, Thursday: Navruz (Наврӯз);
- March 22, Friday: Navruz (Наврӯз);
- March 23, Saturday: Navruz (Наврӯз);
- March 24, Sunday: Navruz (Наврӯз);
- May 1, Wednesday: Labor Day (Рӯзи мушкил);
- May 9, Thursday: Victory Day (Рӯзи Ғалаба);
- April 10, Wednesday: Eid al Adha (ИН Ал Адха);
- June 17, Monday: Kurban-Bayram (Қурбон – Басам);
- June 27, Thursday: Day of National Unity (Рӯзи ваҳдати миллӣ);
- September 9, Monday: Independence Day (Рӯзи истиқлолият);
- September 11, Wednesday: Melon and honey festival (Фестивали харбуза ва асал);
- September 19, Thursday: Apple festival (Фестивали Apple);
- November 6, Wednesday: Constitution day (Рӯзи конститутсия).
News - Azerbaijan
Azerbaijan has strengthened control at the borders because of the spread of smallpox of monkeys.
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An earthquake with magnitude 4 has occurred in the waters of the Caspian Sea (Azerbaijan).
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Israel urged its citizens to “exercise caution” in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, and Turkey.
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News - Tajikistan
The Embassy of Tajikistan in Moscow advised its citizens to temporarily refrain from travelling to Russia.
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The Kazan – Bokhtar (Tajikistan) route of Nordwind Airlines was opened.
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Tajikistan will host the “7 Lakes” International Mountain ECO Half Marathon on 7 September.
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