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Ryanair stops flights from Berlin to Luxembourg.
The reason is low demand amid high ticket prices.
Currency exchange rate EUR to USD
Updated 15.09.2024
Germany: country’s borders status
Borders are open. Currently there are no imposed COVID-related restrictions.
National holidays in Germany in 2024
Public holidays and festivals in Germany in 2024. Non-working days:
- January 1, Monday: New Year (Neujahr);
- January 6, Saturday: Epiphany (Heilige Drei Könige);
- March 8, Friday: International Women’s Day (Internationaler Frauentag);
- March 29, Friday: Good Friday (Karfreitag);
- March 31, Sunday: Easter (Ostersonntag);
- April 1, Monday: Easter (Ostermontag);
- May 1, Wednesday: Labor Day (Tag der Arbeit);
- May 9, Thursday: Ascension of Christ (Christi Himmelfahrt);
- May 19, Sunday: Day of the Holy Trinity (Pfingstsonntag);
- May 20, Monday: Day of the Holy Trinity (Pfingstmontag);
- May 30, Thursday: Feast of the Body and Blood of Christ (Fronleichnam);
- August 15, Thursday: Ascension of the Virgin Mary (Mariä Himmelfahrt);
- September 20, Friday: International Children Day (Weltkindertag);
- October 3, Thursday: Day of German Unity (Tag der Deutschen Einheit);
- October 31, Thursday: Reformation Day (Reformationstag);
- November 1, Friday: All Saints’ Day (Allerheiligen);
- November 20, Wednesday: Day of repentance and prayer (Buß- und Bettag);
- December 25, Wednesday: Christmas (Erster Weihnachtstag);
- December 26, Thursday: Christmas (Zweiter Weihnachtstag).
Luxembourg: country’s borders status
Borders are open. Currently there are no imposed COVID-related restrictions.
National holidays in Luxembourg in 2024
Public holidays and festivals in Luxembourg in 2024. Non-working days:
- January 1, Monday: New Year’s Eve (Neijoerschdag);
- 29 March, Friday: Good Friday (Karfreideg);
- April 1, Monday: Easter Monday (Ouschterméindeg);
- May 1, Wednesday: Labor Day (Dag vun der Aarbecht);
- May 9, Thursday: Europe Day (Europadag);
- May 9, Thursday: Ascension Day (Christi Himmelfaart);
- May 20, Monday: Spirits Day (Péngschtméindeg);
- June 23, Sunday: Birthday of the Grand Duke of Luxembourg (Groussherzogsgebuertsdag);
- August 15, Thursday: Assumption of the Blessed Virgin (Léiffrawëschdag);
- November 1, Friday: All Saints’ Day (Allerhellgen);
- December 25, Wednesday: Christmas (Chrëschtdag);
- December 26, Thursday: St. Stephen’s Day (Stiefesdag).
News - Germany
Wizz Air launches flights from Cluj-Napoca (Romania) to Stuttgart (Germany) in October.
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Corendon Airlines’ Gazipasa (Turkey) – Leipzig (Germany) route has been opened.
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Jet2 is increasing the number of flights to European countries from Manchester (UK) in autumn.
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News - Luxembourg
Luxembourg’s free public transport system will be extended to neighbouring areas in France.
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The Luxembourg – Zhengzhou (China) route of China Southern Airlines is open.
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