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Kosovo citizens with Serbian passports will be able to travel to the EU without visas.
The innovation will come into force in mid-October.
Currency exchange rate RSD to EUR
Updated 04.10.2024
Serbia: country’s borders status
Borders are open. Currently there are no imposed COVID-related restrictions.
National holidays in Serbia in 2024
Public holidays and festivals in Serbia in 2024. Non-working days:
- January 1, Monday: New Year (Нова Година);
- January 2, Tuesday: New Year (Нова Година);
- January 7, Sunday: Orthodox Christmas (Православни божић);
- February 15, Thursday: Serbian Statehood Day (Дан српске државности);
- February 16, Friday: Serbian Statehood Day (Дан српске државности);
- May 1, Wednesday: May Day (Први мај);
- May 2, Thursday: May Day (Први мај);
- May 3, Friday: Orthodox Easter (Православни Ускрс);
- May 4, Saturday: Orthodox Easter (Православни Ускрс);
- May 5, Sunday: Orthodox Easter (Православни Ускрс);
- May 6, Monday: Orthodox Easter (Православни Ускрс);
- November 11, Monday: Armistice Day (Дан примирја).
Spain: country’s borders status
Borders are open. Currently there are no imposed COVID-related restrictions.
National holidays in Spain in 2024
Public holidays and festivals in Spain in 2024. Non-working days:
- January 1, Monday: New Year (Año Nuevo);
- January 6, Saturday: Epiphany (Epifanía);
- March 19, Tuesday: St. Joseph’s Day (Día de San José);
- March 28, Thursday: Maundy Thursday (Jueves Santo);
- March 29, Friday: Good Friday (Viernes Santo);
- April 1, Monday: Easter (Pascua de Resurrección);
- May 1, Wednesday: Labour Day (día del Trabajo);
- May 30, Thursday: Assumption (Asunción);
- October 12, Saturday: National Day of Spain (Fiesta Nacional de España);
- November 1, Friday: All Saints’ Day (Día de todos los Santos);
- December 6, Friday: Constitution Day (día de la Constitución);
- December 8, Sunday: Immaculate Conception (Inmaculada Concepción);
- December 25, Wednesday: Christmas (Navidad).
Italy: country’s borders status
Borders are open. Currently there are no imposed COVID-related restrictions.
National holidays in Italy in 2024
Public holidays and festivals in Italy in 2024. Non-working days:
- January 1, Monday: New Year (Capodanno);
- January 6, Saturday: Epiphany (Epifania);
- March 31, Sunday: Easter (Pasqua);
- April 1, Monday: Easter (Pasqua);
- April 25, Thursday: Liberation Day (giorno della liberazione);
- May 1, Wednesday: International Day of Workers (Festa dei lavoratori);
- June 2, Sunday: Day of the Republic (Giorno della Repubblica);
- August 15, Thursday: Assumption of the Virgin (Assunzione della Vergine);
- November 1, Friday: All Saints’ Day (Tutti i Santi);
- December 8, Sunday: Day of the immaculate conception (Festeggia l’Immacolata Concezione);
- December 25, Wednesday: Christmas (Natale);
- December 26, Thursday: Saint Stefan’s Day (Giorno di Santo Stefano).
Germany: country’s borders status
Borders are open. Currently there are no imposed COVID-related restrictions.
National holidays in Germany in 2024
Public holidays and festivals in Germany in 2024. Non-working days:
- January 1, Monday: New Year (Neujahr);
- January 6, Saturday: Epiphany (Heilige Drei Könige);
- March 8, Friday: International Women’s Day (Internationaler Frauentag);
- March 29, Friday: Good Friday (Karfreitag);
- March 31, Sunday: Easter (Ostersonntag);
- April 1, Monday: Easter (Ostermontag);
- May 1, Wednesday: Labor Day (Tag der Arbeit);
- May 9, Thursday: Ascension of Christ (Christi Himmelfahrt);
- May 19, Sunday: Day of the Holy Trinity (Pfingstsonntag);
- May 20, Monday: Day of the Holy Trinity (Pfingstmontag);
- May 30, Thursday: Feast of the Body and Blood of Christ (Fronleichnam);
- August 15, Thursday: Ascension of the Virgin Mary (Mariä Himmelfahrt);
- September 20, Friday: International Children Day (Weltkindertag);
- October 3, Thursday: Day of German Unity (Tag der Deutschen Einheit);
- October 31, Thursday: Reformation Day (Reformationstag);
- November 1, Friday: All Saints’ Day (Allerheiligen);
- November 20, Wednesday: Day of repentance and prayer (Buß- und Bettag);
- December 25, Wednesday: Christmas (Erster Weihnachtstag);
- December 26, Thursday: Christmas (Zweiter Weihnachtstag).
France: country’s borders status
Borders are open. Currently there are no imposed COVID-related restrictions.
National holidays in France in 2024
Public holidays and festivals in France in 2024. Non-working days:
- January 1, Monday: New Year (Nouvelle année);
- March 29, Friday: Good Friday (Bon vendredi);
- April 1, Monday: Easter (Pâques);
- May 1, Wednesday: Labor Day (Fête du travail);
- May 8, Wednesday: Victory Day (Jour de la victoire);
- May 9, Thursday: Ascension of Jesus Christ (Ascension de Jésus-Christ);
- May 19, Sunday: Trinity (Trinité);
- May 20, Monday: Trinity (Trinité);
- July 14, Sunday: Bastille’s day (La journée de Bastille);
- August 15, Thursday: Ascension of the Virgin Mary (Ascension de la Vierge Marie);
- November 1, Friday: All Saints’ Day (Toussaint);
- November 11, Monday: A truce day (Jour du Souvenir);
- December 25, Wednesday: Christmas (Noël);
- December 26, Thursday: Saint Stefan’s Day (La journée de Saint Stefan).
Good Friday and St. Stefan’s Day are celebrated only in Alsace and Moselle.
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