Slovakia: restrictions and entry requirements 2024

Slovakia: country’s borders status

WHO declares monkeypox outbreak a public health emergency of international concern. Monitoring the situation! 08/15/2024

News — Slovakia

10.09.2024 09:46
Smartwings will launch charter flights from Bratislava (Slovakia) to Doha (Qatar) from 30 September. Pin to board
09.07.2024 14:25
Trenčín, Slovakia, will host the Pohoda music festival on 11-13 July. Pin to board
19.06.2024 10:29
The international film festival Art Film Fest will be held in Košice (Slovakia) on 21-28 June. Pin to board
24.03.2024 23:00
The old town of Bratislava (Slovakia) will become fully pedestrianised. Pin to board
12.02.2024 19:08
Poland will maintain border control with Slovakia until 2 March. Pin to board
07.02.2024 09:12
The Czech Republic has cancelled border controls on its border with Slovakia. Pin to board

National holidays in Slovakia in 2024

Public holidays and festivals in Slovakia in 2024. Non-working days:

  • January 1, Monday: Day of the Establishment of the Slovak Republic (Deň vzniku Slovenskej republiky);
  • January 6, Saturday: Epiphany (Zjavenie Pána);
  • March 29, Friday: Good Friday (Veľkonočný piatok);
  • April 1, Monday: Easter Monday (Veľkonočný pondelok);
  • May 1, Wednesday: International Workers’ Day (Sviatok práce);
  • May 8, Wednesday: Day of victory over fascism (Deň víťazstva nad fašizmom);
  • July 5, Friday: St. Cyril and Methodius Day (Sviatok svätého Cyrila a svätého Metoda);
  • August 29, Thursday: Slovak National Uprising anniversary (Výročie Slovenského národného povstania);
  • September 1, Sunday: Slovak National Uprising anniversary (Deň Ústavy Slovenskej republiky);
  • September 15, Sunday: Day of Our Lady of the Seven Sorrows (Sedembolestná Panna Mária);
  • November 1, Friday: All Saints’ Day (Sviatok Všetkých svätých);
  • November 17, Sunday: Struggle for Freedom and Democracy Day (Deň boja za slobodu a demokraciu);
  • December 24, Tuesday: Christmas Eve (Štedrý deň);
  • December 25, Wednesday: Christmas (Prvý sviatok vianočný);
  • December 26, Thursday: St. Stephen’s Day (Druhý sviatok vianočný).

Currency exchange rate EUR to USD

Updated 03.10.2024


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